Integrative Alignment
Integrative Alignment is the translation of energy from the subtle energy field into the physical body, bringing balance to the entirety of your being. Within this body/mind/spiritual balance, a person abides in a natural sate of healing allowing energy to shift the body from its dis-ease state into one of well-being.
This healing modality is non-intrusive and can be accomplished with or without physical contact. It promotes deep relaxation which can lower blood pressure, hypertension, stress, anxiety, and improve immune function. Deep relaxation reduces PAIN held in the body.
This is accomplished through the use of a technique called Chi-Release. When energy gets trapped in the tissue of the body we experience this as pain. The release of this potential life force (chi) through chi pressure, enables the body to utilize the freed life force to heal, coming into balance. The stimulation of the muscles and tissue releases stagnated chi to flow freely, connecting it to the energetic pathways of the body. Through the use of sound tools (i.e. tuning forks, vocal tones, singing bowls), energy pathways on the body, the meridians, are stimulated and activated. These meridians are connected through to the larger energy field governed by the chakra system. This allows more energy to flow into the physical body promoting vitality.
The resonance experienced within this meditative state is reached quickly allowing a flow of energy without the use of the conceptual mind. The brain comes into a quiet state, releasing accumulated stress, increasing oxygen flow to the body, enjoying peace in the present moment. Integrative Alignment precipitates efficient healing on all levels which resonates throughout your entire life.
Fees: $200/session
Meet Triz as she leads our drumming workshops and Sound Journey. Call 905-459-7442 to ask us about any upcoming events.